Dallas Cowboy Special by Kat Knudsen / Mom

When I was looking for a Cocker Spaniel Dallas found me. All the other pups were playing with each other and then she stopped and came trotting over to me. It was love at first sight! She lived to be a little over 12 years old and was always there for me, when my Dad died and I was crying she came and pawed at me and I picked her up and hugged her and she licked my tears from my face and the same when my Husband died. She lost her sight and I jokingly became her seeing eye Kat. I miss her so much but I know she is at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for me to cross the bridge together to be with our Maker! She can see now and she is running and playing like a puppy again, she will live on in my heart forever! Thank You Lord for putting her in my life! She taught me so much about Unconditional Love!


I Love You Dallas and some day soon we will be together again,
Dallas Cowboy Special
Kat Knudsen