Hanna Ann by Nicole Jones / My beloved Aunt Hanna Ann

Hanna, we love you and we miss you so much. We cannot believe that you are gone so soon; oftentimes, we still call your name when coming upon something that we think that you would like, and then catch ourselves in sorrow and disbelief. I have nothing but fun memories of you. I still come by your bed at night as if to kiss you good night again. I cannot stop crying at glance of your photos. I feel that you were taken from us way too soon. Hannah, you were such a smart, yet silly puppy. After work, I look forward to using my remaining energy playing with you. I will always remember you, Auntie Nannah. I hope that you were happy with us; we were so very happy with you. You are dearly missed.


In Memory of our Beloved Hanna Ann,
Hanna Ann
Nicole Jones