Rudy by Gina / mommy

The first time I laid eyes on my little Rudy was 9 years ago, at that time I was 15 years old. I knew he was mine. I took him home and the rest was history. Rudy was in my life through all the hard time. He was my pillow, my kleenex box. He was my first son. Rudy was here for me through the loss of my grandma, 2 grandpas, birth of my son and daughter. I grew up into a mature women, and he grew to be an old man. Rudy was aging quickly with seizures 4 times a month. I could not afford
to pay for his treatments.

Jan 26 2010. I brought him in to the vet. I held my baby in my arms while the doc, injected him, and within a few moments breath he was gone. I kissed my baby face one last time, and closed his eyes. My life will never be the same now that he is gone. but I keep remembering. I did it for him. He had a good life and was loved everyday. Never made me mad or sad. Vice versa. I pray to god that you are in heaven with Nanny and Papa, Rudy and I will see you again baby. Mommy loves you Rudifur.


With lots of kisses and hugs,