Shadow-Tasha-Maya by Joanne Zarza DeFrisco / Missing You Always Mommy, Daddy, Grama, Grampa

This a Memorial for my Grand Puppies,
1st one is Shadow, she was a Husky and a Christmas present for my Grandson.
She was brought home to be a friend to Tasha, who was a Golden Retriever, and as all Goldens took to Shadow right away.
Sadly enough Shadow devloped Cancer at the age of seven, the Vets gave her Cancer treatments, but in one week she was gone. She like all our animals was loved deeply. It was very sad
to see her lose her life so early.

Shortly after my daughter bought another Husky, she flew to Washington from Florida as she looked just like Shadow and help to mend and bring peace for all our broken hearts from losing Shadow.

They named her Maya, after the movie “Eight Below”.

It was just a few years later Tasha who was now 16 and had loving accepted, both Shadow and Maya was then taken from us. God saw to take her to him and reunite her with her friend Shadow. Everyone cried as Tasha was everyone’s sweetheart. A more loving, friendly and affectionate dog you would never find. She lived a good long life which we were all grateful for.

Being lost without a Golden, Mandy soon came to join the family, a beautiful blonde Golden Retriever. Her and Maya got along famously, as most Goldens are so smart and loveable. Mandy was a bit hyper, but in time she will out grow that and settle down.

Unfortunately at the young age of 2 1/2 Maya ran from the house and was struck by a car. A young man saw this as the car that hit her took off and he picked her up and and brought her to a Vet. They then called my daughter as she had a collar w/the phone number. But it was too late, they were not able to save her.

Now all 3 Grand Babies were gone. Shadow and Maya were taken much too soon, Tasha lived a good life but we miss her as much if not more than any of them.

Shortly after, being so lost without them, Shyler came into our lives, she is also a Husky and does look like Shadow and Maya. Now the family has a Golden and a Husky again. Mandy and Skyler are buddies and God willing will live long and healthy lives.

Only animal people can understand and feel the love and the loss, we have for our Dogs, Our Family.
God Bless You Shadow, Tasha and Maya, we miss you dearly and you will always remain in our hearts.

Joining our Loved ones in Heaven.


W/Love Till we meet again in Heaven,
Joanne Zarza DeFrisco