by Connie Tse

Baby Prince my beloved Golden Retriever was
born on 25.09.94.
He gave everyone unconditional love and happiness.
Baby was and always will be my best friend soul mate and
an important member of the family.
He was the greatest gift sent from above.
On the day 13.02.02. he fell ill with an illness too painful for
me to recall. He was quite critical.
Somehow he managed to recover but only for a short 6 days.
On 22.02.02. he passed away.
I will never forget my dearest Baby Prince.
There are only a few questions of value in life.
What is sacred?
Of what is spirit made of?
What is worth living for?
What is worth dying for?
The answers of each is the same.
My love for baby will never fail he will be safe in my heart
until we meet again. Baby is only absence from my vision
I still feel him in my heart.
Losing Baby has been the hardest day of my life.
For me this sense of lost is like a scar it will fade in time but will
never ever disappear.

Baby; some love lasts a lifetime my love for you will last forever.
Not a day will go by without me thinking of you.
Not a day will go by without me shedding tear’s of
sorrow for missing you.
I miss you so much wait for me we will meet again.

I love you.

Yours forever
Sister best friend and soul mate

Wai sum Connie.x


Connie Tse