by Iheyer

I got Rover from a friend when I was 12.
I was going into 8th grade and I found this cute
black fluffy hair ball and fell in love with her.
She was part Persian and part Siamese.
Yep she was a cat not a dog as the name implies.
We lived through alot. I went to college which put her body
under stress and she went almost completely bald until she realized
that I would never leave her.
I got married divorced and remarried and we moved into our home
together as a family.
My “baby” finally had a daddy. We lived there happily for three years
until the day came that I had to put her to sleep.
It was the day after my husbands birthday August 20th 1998.
Rover had been throwing up and unable to use the litter pan all night
and I knew it was the end.
I called the vet at 8 and at 11:30 my kind and gentle friend
was put to sleep.
The vet came to my house and Rover was able to die in my arms,
wrapped in her blanket.
We had been together for 18 years and 2 months and 7 days.
I lost my best friend on that day.
She is now buried in my yard under the lilac bush.
I have a ring of bricks around her grave and every year I plant
flowers in Rovers garden.
My husband is talking of moving and my only condition is that
Rover goes with us.
I now have a new cat named Stinky and while the hole in
my heart is smaller Stinky will never take Rovers place
the ache is still there and her pictures are still on
display in my living room where they have been forever.

Rover is a part of my life and who I am and
will always be remembered.


