by Beverly / Mama

I suppose everyone attempts to find the words that would most closely describe the horror and pain associated with the loss of their beloved companions. It is not an easy task.

Right now, my heart is so ripped apart I can only try to convey the depth of my pain in terms of the unconditional love my precious Eartha gave to me. We shared 14 years together through some of lifes’ most trying times. She has been my cornerstone; my anchor; my strength in more ways than can be told. She was a gentle, somewhat shy (with others)
but always loyal friend.

She has shared my deepest thoughts. We’ve had so many conversations that I’ve never been able to have with any ‘human’ on this earth. I only wish others could have seen her when it was just the two of us. She was playful, loving and devoted like nothing or
no one else has ever been.

She was a small being. Always seemed as though she were still a kitten because of her small size. But her loyalty and love were unmatched.
The void left by her departure
can never be filled.


All my love is forever yours,