by Bruce / Daddy


I’ll never forget the first time I saw you in that pen with all of the other puppies. You were the biggest one of the bunch and shoving the others from the food bowl. I knew you were the one for me right then and there. I was so proud when the lady at the breeder put my name on your little collar and told me you could go home with me shortly. A few weeks later I picked you up in my old truck and we headed to your new home.

As I we headed home you heard your name for the first time but it didn’t seem to mean much to you. Everyone just fell in love with you as soon as they saw you. I remember fixing up the old dog house for you, it was a castle compared to your little body. I even had to build you a ramp to get in and out but you managed just fine.

You always liked to go for a ride in the truck especially to the park where you could enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the other animals and to take a dip in the river. Your first trip to the park you fell off that old broken tree and into the water. You weren’t to happy but you lived. You always loved when lots of people came over to Mom Mom’s and when you would get loose and play. I loved how I could wrestle you and you never gave in, you hurt me quite a few times. And what a good football player you were, we really had some fun doing that. Buster, you truly were the best friend that I had and I hope that you forgive me me for not being with you more.

We had so many good times just being by ourselves. I’m so glad that we got to spend the last night together. Why did you have to cross the road that dreadful night? I taught you better than that big guy. Buster, a part of me died with you that night but as long as I live you will be in my thoughts. Everyone misses you especially Mom Mom. Your footballs are still in the yard where you left them and I guess I’m waiting for you to come home and play but its been three days and I know that you won’t be coming home. One day we will be together again, buddy.
I love you so much. Godspeed my friend!

