by LSULOVER / Mama, Daddy, Desiree, Josh, Shawn, and Lora

We got Sambo when he was just a little puppy, he lived with us for almost 16 years. Making the decision to put him to sleep was probably one of the hardest things we ever had to do. I know it was the right decision but it was still hard.

When Hurricane Katrina came through last August, I even made a place for us in the closet, after the storm, we even set up a tent in the back yard because it was so hot inside and we didn’t have power.

He started getting a little sick after that and we had to put him on fluid pills to keep fluid off his lungs, and he seemed to be doing pretty good, he was blind because of cataracts, but he could still get around as long as we didn’t move anything around.Then came the horrible week when he really was acting funny, he wouldn’t eat, so when my husband got home from offshore, he took him to the vet, the vet told us that it looked like things were shutting down, so my husband stayed with him while the vet put him to sleep. This was very important to me, I didn’t want Sambo to be scared or anything like that. I knew that if we were with him, he wouldn’t be scared.

I still look for him all the time in the house, I am so used to him being here. I just know that he is at Rainbow Bridge and running around like he used to when he was younger. I would give everything I own to have him back. I wish I could just hold him again. Sometimes my heart hurts so bad when I think of him, I think my hurt could
just break in a million pieces.


Love always,