by Desiree / MOMMY

Scally, I am still trying to make sense of the madness… the madness of you leaving so suddenly.

You were never sick, before, but now you took sick suddenly and a few hours later you were gone.

I took you to the vet,as soon as i saw that something was wrong with you… he said that I had to leave you behind for a drip.
Were you scared I wonder?…

When you took you last breathe, you were all alone… were you afraid… did you wonder why I was not with you… you did not deserve to be alone… we were always together. Scally you went during the night so I could not be with you… how that hurts me.

I know the love that we had for each other comes only once in a lifetime…a love so powerful, so consuming, so special…

And now my dear special friend I have to get used to living without you…
Never to see your face again.
Never to have you waiting at the gate for me.
Never to have your joyfull bark and licking me all over, on the rare occasion when I had to leave you at home… Oh Scally how hard it is to carry on without you…

You were my shadow, where I was… there you were also. You went every where with me, holidays, shopping, fetch Jayden from school, even to church… you were happy to just wait in the car. And when it was too hot and I couldn’t take you with, you used to sulk! You used to try and get out under the gate… to follow me… I then had to put you in the bedroom and lock the door… then you started chewing the door.
Thank you Scally for your amazing love, you taught me the true meaning of unconditional love… When times were tough you could make me laugh, like no other, almost as if you knew, I was having a hard time.

I have asked you a million times, why you left me, but I know if you had a choice you would still be with me. Your passing has left a void… which can never be filled.
If only I can see you one more time, hold you, kiss you… Just once.
I am torn apart, wonder if life
can ever be the same again…
So thank you my angel for being part of my life for 9 years… for the love, the beauty of you and the joy. My life was so complete, with you in it.

And as you play in heavenly gardens, please ask Jesus to give me peace… as since you have left I have no peace, the hurt tears me apart.
So goodbye, my dearest friend… until we meet again on the the Golden Bridge …
Until then, I love, adore and miss you.


With Love,