by Elizabeth / Elizabeth

I lost my cat, Socks, yesterday. He had not been eating well for about 5 days. He was a rescue cat that came to our house about 1 year ago. His fur was very rough and he was skinny when he showed up. He would not let us touch him for a very long time. We were finally able to get him to a vet last November to get neutered and for shots. However, the vet apparently did not give him shots for feline leukemia. This was the sweetest cat with a beautiful face and four white feet.

He had a sweet personality and never caused any trouble. When the weather got cold last winter, he finally got the courage up to come indoors, where he hid under the sofa but was out of the weather. He always used the litter box. He stayed indoors for the last 5 or 6 days of his life, as he was apparently feeling worse than we realized. He would come out from under the sofa at night when I came home, as I was the only person that did not scare him.

It broke my heart to have him euthanized, but the vet gave him very little chance of survival and I did not want him to suffer. I am praying he will come back to me with that beautiful face, eyes, and loving personality in a healthy body.


In Memory of Socks,