Abbey Rode by Riley / Abbigail Rode

I just recently lost 1 of my four dogs. Abbey. She was mine and as my 4-H leader said, I was her human. She slept on my pillow every night and when I was gone, she’d panic and look for me. She recently got sick, and never got better. I took her into the vet and he said it was cancer. I made the choice not to put her through treatments, but to just let her live her life out.

We did dog 4-H and tons of open dog shows. She always did her best and loved to make me happy. She was a mother to her sister’s (Ebbey) puppies when Ebbey couldn’t take care of them, and was the strong one for the other three dogs. She was only about 40 lbs. but the cutest thing ever. So full of spice and playfulness. She was a huge puppy at heart.

Her favorite thing was to chase the hose, but yet she was afraid of large bodies or water and even streams.Nothing will ever replace her. She was there whenever I needed a hug or just someone to lay with me while crying.
I’ll never forget her.


With all my love,
Abbey Rode
23, May 2003