Amber you came into our lives as a cute little butterball of a puppy. It was love at first sight, and we knew
we had to have you.
You brought us much joy and laughter over the years. You were a wonderful loving companion. You were not perfect, but neither am I. We are very thankful for those years, but wish we had more time together.
You were with us almost 8 short years, before you became sick and were taken away from us. We didn’t want to let go, but knew it was in your best interest, to send you to a place where you would be in pain no longer. The memories that you left behind will be with us forever.
It has been 13 months since you were taken from us, but it seems like just yesterday. There is still an emptiness in our home with out you.
We miss you so much and always will. Life goes on and we take one day at a time and move forward.
Dakota misses you, too.
You will always hold a special place in our hearts, no matter how much time passes.
We love you lots and lots. Some day we will meet again, but until that day enjoy your new life.
All Our Love,
Amber |
15, Mar 2004 |
Kathy Bombino |