ANGEL (“Little Girl””)” by Teresa Cannatella

Angel, My Little Girl, You were an angel here on earth & now you are an angel in the sky. You left us so suddenly & unexpected. You are now with your brother Taz & with KoKo too. I miss you so much, I will always keep you with me. Your buddy Onyx waits for you at the bathroom door to come out as he is missing you too. Thank you for being with & giving us 12 happy years. Thank you for the love, the joy, the comfort, the laughs, the fun. You will always be my Angel, my Little Girl. Rest In Peace. Until we are together again…

Always Remembered & Never Forgotten! We Love You!

Mommy, Joey, Janelle, Jessalyn, Onyx, Simba, Nala, Isys, Bella & Moo


ANGEL ("Little Girl"")"
25, Aug 2009
Teresa Cannatella