Annie by Audrey Smith / Mom

My little Annie, my little girl, you will always be in my heart. From the moment I first held you at the Vernon Town Shelter back on that spring day in 1998, put you back in your cage, looked around at the other 30+ cats there that day, then kept going back to you… were meant to be in my life for these 17 years. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t pay the adoption fee that day, as my payday was the next day. Joe, that wonderful volunteer, your angel, made it possible for me to take you home that day. And what a surprise to figure out you were going to be a first-time mommy many weeks later. I will always miss your sweet little face with your intense stare and little whiny cries, your tiny compact softness, and your fiery spirit.


I will love you always,
9, June 2015
Audrey Smith