Ashleigh Blue by The Gehlen Family / Mommy and your family

My Dearest Ashleigh Blue,

Our sweetest boy
We will always remember your sweet little purr, your kind and beautiful blue eyes, your “ice ears”, and cute little “fork combed head”! Daddy misses you being in his lap during dinner, and trying to sneak under the covers at night.

We will always remember your love for your family and ours for you. Your Nicky and Sunny miss curling up with you, and the kids miss their “Lee Lee Boy”. We dream of you in a wonderful, peaceful place, free from the sickness and pain that took you from us.

We were so lucky to have almost fourteen wonderful years with you. Be at peace, my sweetest angel.
We will love you and miss you forever. We will remember you every day and wish you were here with us.


Love you forever,
Ashleigh Blue
7, Dec 2003
The Gehlen Family