Punkin by Baba / Baba

My sweet Punkin; you were my best friend ever. For 21 years we played together, laughed together, cried together. You were always by my side. I almost didn’t keep you, but I’m so glad I did; it frightens me to think I almost found you another home. I will never forget you eating out of pans on the stove, playing hide and seek, defending your home from other cats, perched on the ladder, and greeting me at the door whenever I came home.

It was so hard to watch you age, slow down, and become ill. I dreaded that awful day when I knew I would have to say goodbye. I’m trying to focus on the good years but I miss you so much and am so very sad. Wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge; I’ll be there as soon as I can.


♥Punkin♥ by Baba / Baba

Have You a cat in Heaven, Lord?
Is there room for just one more?
For my little cat died today;
She’ll be waiting at Your door.

Please take her into Heaven, Lord,
And keep her there for me.
Just feed her, pet her, love her, Lord;
That’s all I ask of Thee.