Mercie by Camel / Mel

My big brown girl..
The sweetest girl ever..
The bravest of all..
Never complain, but keep struggling..
Even though I am sure you did feel pain.

My big brown girl..
You are my very good friend..
You are my lovely companion..
You are the family..
And you will always be my big brown girl.

My big brown girl..
I am sure now you are free..
Now you are healthy..
And you will always live..
Inside of me.


Milkie by Camel / Mel

I had been wanting a puppy since several years before, and on 1996 my parents finally allowed me to have one. Since there Milkie became part of the family. He was extremely gorgeous; a small and sweet baby with beautiful white fur. I love him from the first sight, he was my baby.

Milkie turned to a cheerful puppy, and also he was so smart. Every morning I ask him “want milk?”, and he would bring his milk tumbler with his mouth, and put it in its place. Then he will sit and wait for the milk with his tail wiggling. He was also a very good companion, he followed me everywhere I go, he was the one who understand me most: he made me laugh with his act, and he made me comfort whenever I sad.

Soon, he knew the delight by being in the car. Every time he heard the car engine, he would run to the garage, take a pee, and beg us to carry him to the car. He would be extremely happy to be seated in the front seat, where he would stand and watch the street from the car window. Another thing that he learned soon was that he was being loved and spoiled in the house. He would approach anyone who lay on the floor and he would sleep beside him, and he would approach anyone who sit on the couch and asked to be scratched slowly on his chest area. He also knew that no one could resist with whatever he asked for, especially for food. Milkie loves to eat, in this matter all kind of food: meat, vegetable, fruit, chocolate (he was crazy for M&M), pizza, hamburger, noodles, ice cream, cookies, and of course, delicious cakes.

As Milkie got older, he got cataract for both of his eyes. At first he was too afraid to walk, he sat in the corner of the room and refused to be touched by anyone. But after couple days he learned to adapt with his new vision. He remember all the corner and the location of the furniture in the house, therefore we tried not to move any furniture that may confuse him. He also learned to depend more on his hearing, he would notice that someone was going to eat by hearing the sound of the opened and closed cupboard.

Couple years later Milkie started losing his hearing, but my smart little baby tried to optimized his senses. He could know when the air conditioner in my room got turned on, and then he would sneak in and sleep inside. For me, even though Milkie got older, blind and deaf, he was the same little baby I love when I first saw him. He was as sweet as ever. No matter what happen, no matter he was healthy or sick, no matter his leg became stiff and pain because of rheumatics, he always come close when I come home.

Now my baby has gone. He can’t come close when I come home. He can’t sneak in my room and sleep inside. He can’t sit on my lap again. And I can’t hug and kiss him no matter how much I miss him. I can’t tell him anymore that I really love him.

Sleep tight, my baby boy…