Sweetie by Christie / Mom, Sam, & Kris

When Sweetie was 6 months old, she lived on a farm and the owner was going to put her to sleep on his terms because Sweetie kept killing the farm animals. She had no name, no love, no attention, no warm place to sleep, and no one to take care of her.

I took her home with me the same day that I heard him mention this about her. I was also weary of having a dog with such manners as hers, but I was willing to try to tame her and retrain her. As soon as we arrived at my house, I fed her and then I sat down on the ground at her level. She walked up to me and gave me kisses until she knocked me over. From that I named her Sweetie. She had a heart of gold.

After several years of being a wonderful companion and playmate with the children, she became blind. I took her to several vets to try to find out what was happening to her. After several tests, they confirmed that she had cancer and it had gone WAY too far to help it. I did not want her to suffer any more. I hope that she understands that what I did was for her. I would have never thought that losing a pet would hurt my children and myself so much.

I know different now. She was a part of the family, and will always be remembered that way.