Katie by Debbie Pofelski / Debbie (mommy ) & Erv ( Daddy )

Dear Katie,

To our little piebald doxie. When mommy pick you out of the litter you were getting beat up by your sisters, that was 14 years ago, Now you have crossed the rainbow bridge , I know your buddy Bagel met you there. Through all your back issues you never gave up. Monday you told us it was time to go and you were tired, With heavy hearts we said goodbye knowing you are now free of pain, Thank you for 14 great years, you will be in our hearts forever.


by Erv / Daddy Erv

Today I lost my 16 year old beagle (Bagel) to a stroke. Aug. of 2007 Bagel had a heart attack; nobody thought she would pull through but she did. I thank the puppy Gods everyday for those extra 15 months. Bagel you are my star in puppy heaven and I will always love and miss you. Thank you for being my best buddy. Till we meet again


Bagel by Erv / Daddy Erv

Every Thanksgiving morning Bagel would see us put the turkey in the oven. She would lay in front of the oven door for hours on end waiting for it to come out. We will miss that this year. Have a drumstick on me at the rainbow bridge feast this year.