Spanky by Felisha / mommy

Spanky its mommy. I just want you to know I miss you even though you probably know but it’s been 3 months since that day when I held you as you faded away when you got hit by that car. I didn’t know what to do I picked you up out of the road.

I took you to my room. I layed right by your side. I knew you were in pain but there was nothing I could do. You were so small that car crushed the inside of you as I layed next to you and cried I prayed. God please I don’t want him to die you were my baby my love mylife and still are I would give anything if you wouldn’t have died. I think of you each day but know your in a better place.

I miss you so much and all the little things you use to do. Just remember mommy will always love you.