Dofous by Derek Thornton / Jerica

I was at school and when I came home I saw a terrarium laying in the sun to dry in the backyard. I thought that must be the other one. I came inside went to my computer to play and that night I came downstairs {basement} to ask my dad something. Then I noticed something where”s Dofous I said. My dad just pointed up. {He was on the phone}. I got what he meant right away. My brother hasn’t come down yet so he didn’t know and still doesn’t but tomorrow he will. I’m going to make a little funeral.


Cheche by Jerica / Jerica

One day I went downstairs to see our chin Cheche and he wasn’t there. I thought oh dad must be cleaning his cage. A few weeks later I went back down and couldn’t find him so then I asked my dad “where’s Cheche” and he repied “he died” “how!” “Your brother fed him a crayon” and so Cheche chocked on a blue crayon which I was unware of. I miss you and will always love you!