Snuggles by Donald and Carol Spielmann / Mommy and Daddy

We had you for 13yrs which wasn’t long enough. You captured our hearts the first moment we saw you at the shelter and that still hasn’t changed a bit even though you’re not with us any longer. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you and miss you terribly. You were the best baby anyone could ever hope for. You were a dream come true! You became our child, our joy and our life. Such a good girl, and so beautiful too. And there’s still such a huge void in our lives without you here with us. There always will be, because you were the love of our life! Nothing else mattered as long as we had you to love.
You were a blessing and an angel!


by Karyn / Mommy and Daddy

We loved you from the moment we saw you at the shelter, and loved you more and more each day that passed. You made our life complete. We miss lying on the floor with you and hugging and kissing you and telling you how much we loved you. We miss when you’d be in the bed with us and Snuggle up in between us and just want to be held and loved. You were our beautiful angel baby and we can’t wait to see you again. You use to always go by daddy’s chair and bump it so that he would rub your “hiney”. If he didn’t, you’d bump it hard enough that it would move.

He misses that so much. I miss you following me in the office and waiting for me to finish. I miss seeing you walk around with a ball and long bone both in your mouth at the same time. I miss when Daddy and I would come home and you’d go looking in the bags and get all excited wanting your present. Daddy still looks to make sure he doesn’t step on you when he walks by the bed. I still leave the closet door open so you can go in it, and I keep thinking I see you and hear you.

We miss everything about you so, so very much it hurts and hope that you and Nana are together because she loved you so much and you her. Tell her we miss her and love her and will see her someday and we’ll all be together like we should be. You were our Perfect Beautiful Angel Baby and will always be. We’re taking care of your baby for you. Daddy and I hug her and hold her alot because she was your favorite.

We say goodnight to you every night and tell you we love you. Miss Dee, Aunt Joan, Sissy, all cried when we told them you went up to heaven to be with God and Nana and your brothers and sisters. We’re so sad and lonely without you but are glad that you won’t be so tired and sick anymore.


by Carol / Carol S. Copyright 2006

Aussie, Shepherd, Husky

Thank you Lord for leading us to Snuggles when you did years ago at the shelter. You knew the unconditional love she would give us and how much we would love her in return. You let us know the day we adopted her that we needed to try and save her even though the next day the vet told us we should have her put down. She was only 8 wks old and got so sick that night. She ended up at the vet for 4 days on IV with a 50/50 chance of surviving.

We had to try. The litter she came from and all the other dogs at the shelter were euthanized shortly afterwards because of a major outbreak of parvo etc. But you wanted her to be with us and we thank you so much for blessing us with her. We thank you for letting her be a part of our lives for the 13 yrs that she was on this earth. She was so calm and so ready when the Dr. gave her the shot in our car on Sept 1, 2005. She loved going for rides. I believe she knew it would be her last one. You let her know it was time to go home that’s why she seemed so peaceful.

Lord, you were there for her and us and I thank you so much for that. Give her some hugs for us please and tell her we love her and miss her so much.