Light A Candle in Loving Memories 
Kelly by Louise
Norton by Louise
Norton by Louise / Mamma
In 2002 my kids started feeding a grey feral cat we named Norton. I tried to discourage him but they said he was cute. Soon he moved in and got on well with our other two grey cats. He was very clever and would open gates by putting his paw under the latch. Most of all he liked to sit on things – upside-down ice cream containers or plant pots. He had a bad temper and would often take a swipe at you as you walked past, but he could also be a very loving cat. He never liked to be picked up and cuddled but he did like to be patted or to sleep on a bed. He loved our two big dogs and would sleep in their kennels with them or curl up with them on the verandah. Sadly when he was twelve he began to get infections that he couldn’t shake. Possibly he had
feline leukemia or something similar.
One day I found him in the dogs’ kennel unable to move. I had to take him to the vet to be put to sleep. It was one of the worst days of my life. We buried him under the cherry tree.
I love you and miss you, Norton.