Mozie by Madeleine / Mads

To Mozie

{August 21st, 1989 – July 6th, 2002}


It’s hard to describe in words how much I love you and miss you. I miss the smell of your fur, the soft scratch of your tongue, you keeping me company when no one else is home, and falling asleep every night
with you snuggled in my arms.

I’m sorry for anything I did during our short twelve years together that might have hurt you. I’ll never forgive myself for ending your life. It was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I’m so sorry.

I’ll never forget how you made me feel all warm inside when it was -10 degrees, how you let me hold you when I cried, and the way, even though we didn’t speak the same language, you always seemed to understand me when no one else did.

You were and always will be my best friend. I’ll never forget you, boy, and I will always miss you. But I know you’re up in Heaven eating all Mum’s cookies (that you loved), cheese and ice cream, that I didn’t want you eating when you were down here (because you were already 20 lbs.). I love you Mozie, and I’ll love you forever.
You’ll always have my heart.

God bless you.
I’ll see you in Heaven, boy.
I’ll see you in Heaven.