Clara by Mae / your Family

I once had a cat named Clarabelle (clara) we had just moved to a new house and there was already a cat there named Chuck and they would hiss and claw at each other. Louise (my baby cat) was caught in the middle and Clara her big sis would hiss at her.

On October 1, 2003 Clara went missing we put up posters and we called her name going down block after block. We had tons of phone calls but none were Clara. For two weeks she was missing, then one day I had just got back from school and the phone rang. The lady said she thought she found Clara. Mommy went off to see if it was her. The phone rang I hesitated then picked it up “hello? Sweetie it’s mommy we’ve found Clara we’ve found her!!!!!!. go get Tim!” I ran out to my step dads garage and cried breathlessly “TIM MOMMY”S FOUND CLARA!!!” he didn’t’ believe me at first then came in to get the phone she told him everything.

Tim drove off to pick up mom and Clara. My sister had come home and I told her the news. We waited by the window for them to come home, finally they came mommy had Clara in her arms and was crying we all hugged her and told her we loved her. She came into the house and looked around and she knew she was home. She was home for two weeks after all that, a short two weeks. We found her on Halloween morning under the wooden frame by the couch, Mommy thought Chuck had killed her but Tim thought she had just died of natural causes.

We later found out that it was a liver disease or some kind of failure. We buried her in the garden and on top of her grave is a stone which reads “I was searching in the garden and I found you” We all miss you Clara, Your Brother Chien is with you now.