Light A Candle in Loving Memories 
Billy Aronoff by Elaine Aronoff
Benny by Merav
Billy Aronoff by Merav Barlev / Your temporary guardian Merav
Billy was found in one of the settlements in Israel after the disengagement of Israel from the Gaza Strip. He was abandoned by his family. A 10 year old sweet and quiet dog. He was waiting for them to return but they didn’t….Instead we found him. A small Animal welfare charity in Israel who was searching for animals who were left behind. We took care of him for 3 and a half months. Visiting him, talking to him, treating him for his illnesses. He was so sweet….
Billy found a home in the United States. We flew him from Israel to the U.S straight into the loving arms of Elaine and Stephen who fell in love instantly. How could they not?
Billy finally found happiness in the last 3 weeks of his life. Finally he wasn’t lonely. Finally he had a mom and a dad who loved him as if he were there forever. Finally he belonged..
Billy would have lived for years if it weren’t for the cancer…Billy, our time with you will be treasured. you will be in our hearts forever. You never gave up and you showed a strong will to live. We are grateful for what you gave us and hope that you are happy now and peaceful.
You will be loved forever and remembered with a smile.
Benny Barlev by Merav Barlev / Your Mother
It appears that animals know who to adopt.Benny adopted my family last year between July-August.At that point I didn’t really know him. I was living in another city waiting to move from my dorms to a flat with roommates. Benny was persistent. He insisted that my mom and my sister would be the ones to take care of him. He was afraid of his own shadow an was searching for a lot of love. he got it. When it was obvious that I was moving it was decided that I take him as a foster parent. I wasn’t sure of it but how could I say no to a pair of big yellow eyes followed by a huge body? he was beautiful.
Not long after we found ourselves living together. We hated each other. It was like living with a flatmate you don’t like. I was frustrated but decided to be the “adult”. I made it clear to him that he was stuck with me. It took a while but it worked. Benny, like a child who has never seen love before realized that I was there for him. That i was there to help him, nurture him and that even though I didn’t like him (he had a serious attitude)I was not going to abandon him. I became his mother.
Benny showed amazing skills. He knew how to open doors and he spoke with me. One day I couldn’t find him and I called his name with fear. He came running to me responding to my voice and even answering, as if saying “don’t worry mom”. It was then that I felt proud. It was then when I realized I loved him. He turned into my baby. Benny was intelligent. He spoke; he answered; he was funny and did things I’ve never seen a cat do. He was not a cat he was simply Benny. A unique creature that for some reason took the form of a cat.
But this uniqueness took its price. Benny was sick. He had a problem in his brain that changed him. Once in a while he changed as if he couldn’t control it. That was when I realized that my baby would not be with me for long. Not many will understand this, unfortunately. But he was not my companion, he was my baby. He eagerly waited for me to come home; he slept with me on my bed on my pillow and when he had nightmares he felt reassured when he saw me. His mother. It is difficult to lose a child no matter how many legs it has. I will never forget him. He knew I loved him and he knew that because I was the last thing he saw falling asleep. He felt my hands, my tears and my love and they will always be his. Part of my heart is now gone. He took it with him. I gave him one year of love and care and I do hope that he was happy with me.
My love, I hope that there is a world after, and I hope that you are running around free and happy and that no one is hurting you. No one will ever be afraid of you and you will always be remembered as my baby. Your name shall always be Benny Barlev.
Rest in Peace my sweet baby….
Benny Barlev by Merav Barlev / your mother
It appears that animals know who to adopt.
Benny adopted my family last year between July-August.
At that point I did’nt really know him. I was living in another city waiting to move from my dorms to a flat with roommates.
Benny was persistant. he insisted that my mom and my sister would be the ones to take care of him. He was afraid of his own shadow an was searching for a lot of love. he got it.
when it was obvious that i was moving it was decided that i take him as a foster parent. I was’nt sure of it but how could I say no to a pair of big yellow eyes followed by a huge body? he was beautiful.
Not long after we found ourselves living together. we hated each other. It was like living with a flatmate you don’t like. I was frustrated but decided to be the “adult”. I made it clear to him that he was stuck with me. It took a while but it worked. Benny, like a child who has never seen love before realized that I was there for him. That i was there to help him, nurture him and that even though i did’nt like him (he had a serious attitude)I was not going to abandon him. I became his mother.
Benny showed amazing skills. he knew how to open doors and he spoke with me. one day i could’nt find him and i called his name with fear. he came running to me responding to my voice and even answering, as if saying “don’t worry mom”.
It was then that i felt proud. it was then when i realized i loved him. he turned into my baby.
Benny was intelligent. he spoke, he answered, he was funny and did things i’ve never seen a cat do.
He was not a cat he was simply Benny. a unique creature that for some reason took the form of a cat.
But this uniqness took its price. Benny was sick. He had a problem in his brain that changed him. Once in a while he changed as if he could’nt control it. That was when I realized that my baby would not be with me for long.
Not many will understand this, unfortunatly. but he was not my companion, he was my baby. He eagerly waited for me to come home, he slept with me on my bed on my pillow and when he had nightmares he felt reassured when he saw me. his mother.
It is difficult to loose a child no matter how many legs it has. I will never forget him.
He knew I loved him and he knew that because i was the last thing he saw falling asleep.
He felt my hands, my tears and my love and they will always be his.
Part of my heart is now gone. he took it with him.I gave him one year of love and care and i do hope that he was happy with me.
My love, I hope that there is a world after, and i hope that you are running around free and happy and that no one is hurting you.
No one will ever be afraid of you and you will always be remembered as my baby. Your name shall always be Benny Barlev.
Rest in Peace my sweet baby….