Farina by Nanna / Your mommy

Dear Farina, my big girl,

you are the most beautiful cat who ever lived with me. Unfortunately, you never had much self confidence, and so little Asterix could mob you. I am so sorry, that I did not help you early enough by separating him more consequently from you. So 5 years of your life (from the age of 5 to 10) must have been the hell for you and I am afraid, this was one of the reasons for your finally mortal disease. August 2010 I noticed your loss of weight and suspected diabetis, which was confirmed by the vet. So you got 2 shots a day, even liked it and gained weight again. But then in January 2011 I noticed something strange about one of your tits, so you were operated in February 2011. The laboratory predicted a quick spreading cancer.

In March the X-Ray-Picture showed many little metastasis in your lungs. I had begun to protect and spoil you months before and so I did even more and you had the time of your life for many weeks and showed your happyness though breething slowly began to be more difficult and you had to be fed liquid “Space Food” for cats by pipette, only loving to lick lots of “Bezopet” from my fingers. But you still enjoyed grooming yourself, scratching your post, digging in your toilet and reigning over the terrasse and the rooms you chose whenever you pleased. And you accepted my love and caressing more willingly than ever before.

On February 14 you began to dislike everything and on Friday April 15 8:00 a.m. you had to cough like you did once a day since weeks and suddenly passed the bridge.

I will never forget you and kept a curl of your beautyful unique “blue” fur with a little white one and many fotos of the last weeks. You body rests deep under a very special tree in the woods and your soul frolics with your friends in kitty-heaven, where we will meet again some day.