ALEX by Connie Rizzardi / Mommy and Daddy

You filled our life with so much joy these past 14 years. I don’t know how to go on without you buddy. You were such a lovable guy and so sweet. I don’t remember ever having to scold you, well maybe once or twice as a little pup, but you were such a good boy and learned fast. Everyone who knew you couldn’t help but smile and give you a pat on the head.

You were my best friend. When I’m in the garden, I’ll think of you smelling the newly planted flowers. When I’m making candy Easter Eggs, I’ll think of you waiting for a sample. When I go for a walk, I’ll think of you by my side. When I go in the car, I’ll think of you sitting beside me. When I run the vacuum, I’ll think of you chasing it and barking. You were everywhere I went-I’ll have these and all the other memories of you sealed in my heart. I heard you tap on the bedroom door the night after you left for Rainbow Bridge and I know you are ok now, no more pain, no more suffering and we’ll meet again one day.

We love you, Alex, my buddy and will never forget you and all the joy you brought into our lives.