Tramp by Paw-Paw / The Family


You came to us in a dirty red collar with no name and no home, but yet quickly became one of the family. You touched the hearts of many and will never be forgotten. I have to personally confess that I have always considered you an angel sent from God. An angel to protect my Paw-Paw and to keep him company through his daily chores. We must not be sad on your departure, but rather rejoice for your return home to be with God now. You were positively amazing and will never be able to be replaced. Thank you for all you brought to our family and you will NEVER be forgotten.
We love you and will miss you.


Pixie by Grandma Jody / Jemma

Doggy Heaven
If there’s a doggy heaven,
I know that’s where you are–
About a billion miles away,
Standing on a star.

It’s a doggy paradise;
No fences and no leads.
There won’t be any do’s or don’ts.
You can do just as you please.

There’ll be lots of bones to chew
And lots of holes to dig.
There’ll be lots of other dogs–
Little ones and big!

You can romp and play with new-found friends
Forever, don’t you see?
So, why are you sitting at the gate
Just waiting there for me?


Look not where I was
For I am not there.
My spirit is free
I am everywhere.

In the air that you breathe
In the sounds that you here
Don’t cry for me Mom
My spirit is near.

I’ll watch for you
From the other side.
I’ll be the one running
New friends by my side.

Smile at my memory
Remember in your heart
This isn’t the end
It’s a brand new start.

© Carol Kufner