Shortie Marie by Robbie / Mom

Shortie You are my best friend. I’ve known you longer than most people in my life. You came to use when we bought this house a tiny feral kitten. From the 1st night we were mom and baby. You have been with me through so much and I always had you there no matter what.

This is has been a hard summer and you are such a fighter. Today you knew I was taking you over to say good bye; your tiny body has had enough after 20 years and instead you chose your time at home with me. I rocked you, I held you and God took his might hand and took you to be with him and our family. I am so blessed.

I miss you already, but I know you safe, healthy and like I kitten again.

I will sing and talk to you to you daily just like I have for 20 years…until we are together and I can hug you.

Come visit little ghost kitty….
tell mom and Uncle Donnie hi for me.