Angel by Sonia Voigt / Mom XOXOXO


My sweet, sweet “Cookie Dog”. It has been 3 weeks today that you were taken away from me and I miss you more than words can say. I am so heart broken and lost without you.

I am so very mad that the Vet gave you the wrong diagnosis and you went without the proper treatment for so long. Maybe if I had known what was wrong with you sooner I could have made you well again. Everything that I did that I thought was the right thing because that’s what the Vet told me to do ended up being the wrong thing. For that I am so sorry. Your name truly fit you because you were an Angel and now you truly are an Angel watching over me. You were such a joy and a huge light in my life. I have so many wonderful, happy memories from the time you were born of your sweet little ways. The way you spun in circles when you saw me coming or always wanted to lick me. Your shrill little bark and the way you always kept the other dogs away from me thinking you were protecting me. You were such a chubby little thing when
I started calling you my “Cookie Dough”.

Alyssa always loved you and could never say Cookie Dough and you became “Cookie Dog” because that’s all she could say. You gave me wonderful, beautiful puppies that I will love and cherish as long as God allows me to have them. You were a gift to me from God and I was so blessed to have you. Everyone misses you so much. I would give anything to hear your bark again or see your sweet face. You always knew when I was upset or not feeling well and would lick my face. I would give anything for you to be licking my face right now.

I hope you know you meant the world to me and things will never be the same. Tinkerbell still looks for you. I know you are no longer in pain my girl and for that I am happy but my heart aches and I will have a hole in it forever. I will never forget all the joy you gave me and the love you showed me. I truly was blessed to have had you. I pray you are running with the babers and Kiya and Dragon.

I know you will be looking after them as you always did. You were such a great little mama. I love and miss you so much. Until I see you again my sweet Angel. I love you more than words can say! Hugs and kisses…


Kiya & Dragon by Sonia / FOREVER IN MY HEART!

Happy Birthday my beautiful babies. You are loved and missed more than you know. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. You will never be forgotten and someday we will be together again. You were taken from me so fast that my heart aches every day for you and the time we should have had together but didn’t. You are together and I know that much makes you happy. That’s the way you both always preferred it. Play well and be happy. I love you both.