Trouble by Tia / Tia ( your my baby)

Even though you have not left I will always have that bad feeling in my heart that all owners would get sooner or later and I will never let you go into that room where you will not die in peace but you will never die by that needle that is always going to be my fear. You have been with me and my family since you were two months old.

You have always given me the strength to try and not remember the other dogs I lost in my life. You have always been such a caring dog. You don’t know but the best times I have had with you is when I haven’t had to deal with any of your hard times when you loose puppies all but one whom you have had since he was born the joy of your heart I hope.


Reebok by Tia / Tia ( your my baby)

You have and will always be with me and that time when you leave will make me cry for years to come. But I do hope that that time does not come any time soon. You are the only one who can make me believe that no one will hurt me or no one will kill you with that evil needle that those mean vets
keep in their closets.

You have always and will always give me the hope that my life will not end with you three that are in my heart right now. You helped my other baby Trouble brings a lovely litter of nine beautiful puppies. You made sure that at least three looked exactly like you.