Nelly by Tristan / Mommy

His name was Nelly, and he was basically my first child. I got him as a gift from my brother and sisters. Its funny because I wasnt sure if I would like him at first. But his blue puppy eyes told me different. I loved him so much, he was my baby. Wherever I went, Nelly was right behind me. If I was washing dishes he was right there, if I was vacumning he was on my tail, if I stepped out the house and left him, he cried.

He used to even wait for me to get out the bathroom outside the door when I took a shower. He was a good baby, and loved by everyone. I used to have so many nicknames for him like “babes” “stinky butt” and I used to sing this song called “Baby Face” to him all the time which he loved.He was most loved by his family. His mommy, me, Tristan Drake. His grandma Sonya, his aunties Sherea, Whitney, Brandi, and Tequila. His uncles Lamar, and Larry, and his greatgrandmother Jessie.

He will be missed so much by his family and members of the community. I am not sure what he died of, it was all of a sudden and within minutes. I just wish we could have spent more time together.