by Whitney / Mommy, Daddy, and sisters

We miss you alot. I remember one time when we had got you from the store and you was for free, I was going to get your sister, but I couldn’t take her, cause mom told me to get just one kitten so I decided to get you, cause you looked soo playful. When I got you in June 7,1999, I was so proud you when you was in our home.

I always wanted to know in my whole life to have a cat. You was so cute and little, til you had grown. I was happy of you when you were growing up. When you was in your middle age, you had ate something that you didn’t have no business eating. You had ate a poison rat over my neighbor’s house. That’s how you died laying on our porch. You died in November 15, 2002. You always going to be in my heart forever.
We love ya Peaches!


Peaches by Whitney / Mommy,Daddy,and sisters

Peaches, we will miss you alot. We remembered when you were a little girl kitten, until you had to leave and go to heaven, but we still miss you. I remember the times we use to play with each other and you would bump your head in the mirror. I remember when I was there for you and you always licked on me when you was afraid, cause a dog was chasing after you and I had to tell that dog to go away and I had picked you up. You was a little princess of our home, but then you had ate a rat that had poisons in it and you didn’t know. We love you!