Author: Zenaidy
Lucky by Zenaidy / Mommy
mar 21 2013 Grace in my arms. Today was the worst day of my life; I had to sent you from God to me to be my angel, which was NOT an easy decision on my part
I am so glad you came into my life, and it just won’t be the same without your presence. I love you so much.You were such a sweet and loving companion and pet soulmate and had given me so much unconditional love.
IF only my love and healing could have saved you, you would have lived forever. I’m going to miss you more than I can put into words. I will forever think of you and miss you with each passing day. I know you are now happy and healthy! I know your eyes are wide and bright, and you are smiling! We know you are having fun! Don’t spend your time missing me, leave the missing up to us. I know I will see you again, and until then please keep your brothers and mums company at the Rainbow Bridge.
Mommy will come get you one day and once again wrap my arms around you and give you so much kisses.
Lucky by Zenaidy