Sierra by Betsy

To My dog

Thank you for being my good friend –

You always wanted to be with me wherever I was, or go with me wherever I went. No matter how boring the time spent.

You always wanted to go to the beach with us, even though you hated the ocean.

You were always so happy when I’d get home, with your tail spinning, and you opened the gate for me every night.

You liked hugs & chest rubs & dancing.

Thank you for being a good teacher –

When our friendship was new, I learned that you liked to chase a ball. But not for too long, then it gets boring.

You taught me that when you didn’t mind me, it was because you wanted to be near me, not where I was telling you to go.

You spent half your life with me and I learned new things from you everyday.

Thank you for being a good listener –

I always had your undivided attention, when I didn’t have anyone else to talk to.

When we went for walks, you would hear the birds in the bushes from a distance, and try to chase them.

I always sang songs to you, and whispered in your ear too.

Thank you for being a good comforter –

No matter how I was feeling, you rested your chin on my leg, just to make sure I was feeling ok.

When we floated down the river, you rested up against so I wouldn’t be scared.

You even went swimming in the lake when it was hot, although you deeply disliked water, just to make me happy.

Thank you, Sierra, for being a part of my life.