Light A Candle in Loving Memories
Oreo by Bobbie Petrini
Oreo by Bobbie Petrini / Mom
I found this little black and white kitten in the spring of 2001 right near my house that is surrounded by woods. I wanted the kitty so bad but at the time I was living with my parents and my mother did not want any more cats in the house because I had one already. I would always go visit him and bring him food because he was just a little cute ball of fur then one day I went outside and noticed he was very sick so I took him to the vets. Oreo as I named him was born with a a narrow airway so much to say after spending some money was told that there was nothing that could be done and to treat him like a regular kitty..well after all that I was not about to let him stay outside so I snuck him in my house where he stayed in my room for 2 weeks until he
became a part of the family.
Oreo was a wonderful cat even though he had some health issues..I would always tell him he was my big man and that he had white in all the right spots!! After 11 years of many treated sinus infections, Oreo was brought to the vets because he was just not getting better this time even after his usual antibiotics..Oreo stayed over and had a awful seizure to the point the vet didn’t think he could see, hear, and he couldn’t walk probably. The vet didn’t think there was anything they could do for my beloved boy so I had to make the most horrible decision in my life and send Oreo over the rainbow was by far one of the most awful days of my life and I think of him every single day since..I miss and love you big man and you will always have white in all the right spots…my life will never be the same without you.