Lucky Howard

RIP Lucky ….Our hearts are broken.  Having to say goodbye to you was the hardest thing to do.  Fly free and safe.  You’ll now be reunited with your brothers over rainbow bridge where you can run and play.  Until we meet again.  You will never be forgotten and there won’t be a day when we don’t think about you.

Love always Mummy, Daddy. Angela, Paul and Charlotte xxxxx

Milo by Debby / Mummy xx

It’s been nearly 3 years since we lost you and it still hurts so much. I wish every day that you were still with us, running and playing. I know that you are safe with my Grandad and that he’ll look after you till I can see you again.


by Debby / Love Mum xxx

We had Milo from 6 weeks old. He was a long haired miniature Jack Russell, white with tan spots. We sadly lost him due to illness at 16 weeks old on the 4th December 2007. There isn’t a day goes by when I don’t think about him, they say time is a great healer but it still hurts so much.