Light A Candle in Loving Memories 
We rescued you from the freezing February weather. We think little Moses sent you to keep Pickles company. You loved sitting on daddy’s chest while he sat on the couch or in his favorite chair. Sometimes you’d snuggle in Jessica’s bed while she watched TV. Sometimes you’d rest your paws on my lap while I read my book. We hope you always knew how much we loved you. We will never ever stop missing you.
Pickles by Arlene, Edward, Jessica / Mommy, Daddy, and Jessica.
My little Pickles, how we loved you! Rachel chose you, the runt of the litter, and we got you when you were only 6 weeks old. You had a heart murmer then. Once you got stuck in the sleeve of a shirt that was hanging over the back of a chair! And Jessica used to dress you up in baby clothes and wheel you around in a doll carriage, and you let her!
You used to steal all the Barbie shoes and knock them under the fridge, and you liked to knock her troll dolls off the shelf. Sometimes you’d jump onto the top of the kitchen cabinets, so very high!! Sometimes you’d sit on the sink and pretend to wash your face so that we’d know you wanted us to turn on the water. You figured out how to unlock the screen door, so we had to keep it locked after that! You played with little brother Moses and had pretend fights with him (you always won but you never hurt him; it was all pretend) and missed him so much after he passed. You tolerated little sister Lilah and sometimes slept in the catbed with her. Jessica was your favorite and you always waited outside the bathroom door when she showered, cause you couldn’t wait until she came back out. Sometimes you’d stare at the front door when she went to work, hoping she’d hurry back.
You used to roll the little ball to me across the kitchen floor and I’d roll it back and we’d play like that for a long time! You got your picture in the Vet’s Newsletter as “Cat of the Month”. We are going to miss you so very much, sweet Pickles. I’m glad your suffering is over now…
Moses by Edward, Arlene, Jessica & Pickles / Daddy, Mommy, Jess, and Pickles
Moses, we will miss you. You were Daddy’s cat first, when you were a one-year-old. You were a little lonely when he went to work. But then when Daddy met Mommy and we became a family, with Jessica and of course your big brother Pickles the cat, you were truly happy. Yes I know you were afraid of thunderstorms and loud noises and the vacuum cleaner, but we could tell you were so very happy to be part of a loving family. You liked to wrestle with Pickles (you always let him win). You followed him everywhere.
You sharpened your imaginary claws (we are not the ones who took them away from you, but you never seemed to know that you didn’t have any). You brought your toys upstairs as “presents” for us. You walked across Daddy’s lap each morning to get to the “good spot” on the couch.
You watched your friend TJ through the window whenever he called meow meow hello hello. You were loved and you will be missed. You will never be forgotten.