by Kathryn Ladick

My dear Thunder,

It has been 4 years since your passing and I still grieve your loss. I will never know a love like yours ever again. You where always there for me and unlike humans who judge you. You where there for me even when I was in a bad mood. You always lifted my spirits and
put a smile on my face.

How can I ever repay the many times you made me feel better, your gentle paw on my face, your little curly tail wagging ever so sweetly. You knew me better then anyone. I miss you so desperately. I cry daily still for you. And, I awaite the day when I will see you again.
I love you, my Thunder.
Until we meet again at the gates of the Rainboe Bridge.

With all My Love,



by Kathryn Ladick

How can I explain in mere words what you meant to me.You gave so much to me and your memory will never die. Your children and grandchildren reflect your gentle ways. I see you in your daughter, Treasure, your sons Jerry and Beau and Thunder 2. You left me with a hole in my heart that is not easily filled.

Rest and wait by the gate my Lighty, and when my time comes, run to me so that we can be together once more.

Kisses and Hugs,



by Kathryn Ladick

To my little Flower,

You where a sweet and kind gift from God.
My little gentle Como La Flor. How I wish you didn’t have to leave me. Your memory lives on in your proud Daughter, and the grandpups she will give me. May you wait at the gate for my return one day.Run now and “get the bunny”.

Love always,