Bandit Seitz


" Bandit Seitz "

April 18 1979 ----- Sept. 7 1987


My Beloved Dear Bandit,


Finally I'm doing your tribute which I owed it to you for so many years.

You were my first Sheltie baby and my memories of you are joy and

pain together. I'm so sorry I didn't know many things that I do now,

may be you would of survived longer your disease.

You taught me so much in your short life and you made me so proud.

When I used to take you to town to the Bank or other places how nice

you were in the command positions that I put you without braking it

you were so smart in school and won all your trophies in the shows

and people came to our home to see you what a good boy I had.

Everybody in the neighborhood wanted a dog like "Bandit".

Your friendly personality and great qualities are with me forever

and I returned to you your gift to me "Smokey" he is finally playing in

heaven with you. Remember how Jim used to say that me

and you are a like and act the same??...

Please take care of Smokey and Friendly keep them with you

until we meet again . I Love you forever.

Play in the clouds with Smokey and Friendly

until we meet again !


Your Loving Mom



Bandit Seitz