Barley & Peri by Dawn


"Barley & Peri"

15 Years Old & 9 Years Old

Red Golden Retriever & Mixed Breed

Barley was mine and my brother's best friend and playmate

when we were growing up.

He was a dark red Golden Retriever

and I do not his date of birth or passing

but I will never forget him.

Barley was 15 years old (I think)

when we had to euthanize him because of his epilepsy

lack of eating and

he wasn't happy anymore.

He was the most amazing dog

that went backpacking every summer with us swam across

lakes played hide and seek and licked our tears.

Peri was nine years old

she only bonded with our family and certain friends.

She was a our protector companion and cuddler.

She had a great many fears

which caused her to act out in innapproprite ways

so we had to put her to rest.

Peri was a mixed breed.

She had beautiful long black silky hair and and she love us.











Barley & Peri