Bart by david barnett / David,Sammy and Bentley

His name was Bart, but I called him Bartman or my little man,when you came into my life in 1990 you were the runt of the litter.
All I saw was ears and lips,yes bart you had gorilla lips,you were so little and cute.
As you grew you leaned toward Mom a little more than me, most male cats do that though,it was 2003 before you started getting close to me.
After we found out you were diabetic.
Bart I knew the last couple of months of your life were hard, I keep blaming myself for your death,I feel like there was more I could have done?
But today was the hardest day of all, seeing you laying on me going into convulsions,I was glad I got you to the vet in time,so you did’nt suffer anymore.
I knew the moment you suffered the brain damage from the low blood sugar because the moment before you ceased to respond to anything from me you licked my hand one solitary time, and I know now you were kissing me goodbye.
I will never forget you Bartman and I know your in a better place now chasing Patricia around.
I meant what I said in the room when I said my final goodbye.
“You will be forever in my heart and my memories”
even though you were comatose I know you heard it in your soul, I love you Bartman


Love and blessings for my little bartman
30, Nov 2005
david barnett