Bear by Amy

Bear was given to me for my 15th Birthday. My mother was not too happy. How could someone give a puppy to a 15 year old girl and not even ask her parents!!! But then mom saw the little white fluffy ball and loved her. She grew so fast. By the time she was 5 years old she had had 17 puppies!!! It was time to stop that madness!

Bear was very protective of our house and family. You could get in the yard but you could not get out!!! Never had anything stolen out of the yard with her there!!! And don’t even think about touching her tennis balls!!!! When all of us kids would come in the house she would immediately grab a tennis ball for you to throw for her!!! Even when we knew she was getting old and dying she still layed with the tennis balls by her side. She was a good and happy dog right till the end. She is missed by everyone who knew her!!!

We love you Bear!!!!



23, Nov 1999