Bear by Crystal



June 1998 ----- August 1998

Chow Mix


I will never forget the day that Bear

came into my life or the day

that he was taken away from me.

I got Bear from the Humane Society from the city that I live in.

He was the cutest little puppy they had.

The man that

worked there took him out of his cage

and he immediately ran up to me and

started licking my face.

I knew it was love at first sight

so I took the little baby home hoping

that my parents would say

that it was okay for me to keep him.

My mom just fell in love with him

and when my dad saw him

he said,no we can't keep him.

We already have too many dogs as it is.

But I let Bear down and he went over to my dad

and started licking his feet

and my dad couldn't resist

that so he said yes you can keep him.

I was so happy.

Bear went everywhere I went.

He even slept in the bed with me.

Then a couple of weeks after I got him dad

said it was time for him to go outside.

I was scared for him at first cause

of the other dogs in the yard

were alot bigger than he was

but that did not stop Bear. He liked being outside.

He would run the other dogs and the cats too.

I left to go to work one morning and I told my mom to

please take care of Bear for me

and I knew she would.

But she forgot to put

him in the house when her and daddy went to Wal-Mart

and when they got back

Bear didn't know that a truck could hurt him

so he ran under daddy's tire

and he was gone in an instant.

He didn't feel any pain.

Mama said it was just like he was sleeping but she knew he wasn't.

so daddy thought it would be easier on me

if he just went ahead and buried my little baby Bear

down by the pond.

When I got home from work I didn't see Bear anywhere

so I figured mama had brought him in the house

so I walked in yelling for me and mama

came in the room and said Crystal your little puppy is gone-

I thought he had run away

so I told her we could just go and try to find him.

and she said no honey he didn't run away

and that's when she told me what had happened.

I just fell to the floor and burst into tears

asking why why Bear.

She told me where daddy

had buried him and I went down there

to say good-bye to my best friend.


Bear if only I had been there

then you would probably still be living.

I am sorry if you were in pain.

You were my best friend and you still are.

I think about you all the time.

Even though you were only here for a short time

you became my dearest friend.

Bear I will never forget you. You are

always on my mind and in my heart.

I will love you from now until eternity.

Bear I promise I will see you again at the Rainbow Bridge-

Please wait there for me.

I love you baby Bear,













