November 27, 2015
My Bebe Baby
I found you in a breeder’s home, out in the country,
Saw uncertainty in your eyes- I know you needed me.
For the 14 years we had together, you gave me joy each day,
I never knew how much you gave, til God took you away.
Will never gain a part of me death took with you today,
But I hope God will Grace me with uniting us one day.
You were my Bebe Baby, I loved you more than life,
I know I can’t forget you, your being was my life.
If I could make you well again and you could be with me,
I’d praise God for miracles and never question Thee.
You were my constant shadow who knew me through and through,
And I thanked God many nights-for blessing life with you.
You truly created the family I wished forever to be-
I couldn’t miss you more today as my heart breaks thoroughly.
When you did those simple things, like greet or sleep with me,
I found a comfort and a love of life, just through you loving me.
I will never find another friend as connected as you with me,
We had a special understanding, no question, spiritually.
You, my precious Bebe, I pray to see you again, so I may have that wholesome feeling of
being alive again.
Love you more and forever,
Bebe |
27, Nov 2015 |
Susie |