Benjamin by Dawn & TheMorgenstein Family

To Dawn and the Morgenstern Family:

Benjamin was such a sweet little guy with his wonderful long soft hair. He obviously loved you so much and was cared for by his family. Patrice knew him for a lot longer than some of us did but it was so touching to see how you lovingly stood by him throughout his surgery. Dawn he was such a lucky little critter to have you in his life! You did all you could for him went above and beyond for him.

You showed that all creatures great and small are deserving of our love. He will be fondly remembered and thought of daily his picture will permanently be on our bulletin board.
Please accept our sympathies our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Pat Carrie Mindy Sara Chris and Patrice

The Animal Clinic of Armonk


7, September 2000
Dawn & TheMorgenstein Family