Benny by Annabelle Crellin / Your Best Friend Annabelle xx

My name is Annabelle and I am 6, Benny was my very first pet and he was my best friend. He used to sit on my knee and eat dandelions and carrots and watch the TV with me. He came to live with me with two of his brothers Leon and Hogarth and they are my Big brothers pets. They are missing him really bad they have been squeaking for him.

On the morning when he died I was so sad I cried for 2 days and I could not eat my food. Mum and me and my brothers had a funeral in the garden. We dug a hole and put Benny in a little box. I wrote him some letters and drew him some pictures and put them in with him. Mum helped me put his name on a stone to mark his grave and we put a cross and some flowers on it for him. I sat and talked to him for a while and a really big rainbow came out so I think it was for him to climb to heaven on. Mum said he will be with her first doggy up there so he wont be lonely. I will miss him so much I love him and it is horrible without him. I have been crying a lot and my friends at school are all sad for me so my teacher said we will say a prayer for Benny in assembly.


I love you Benny I will always remember you.
Annabelle Crellin