Bingo by MJ


My best friend. Seen me through some tough times many happy times.You were are loved by everyone you touched. Even though you are gone I can’t help but smile when I think about my cookie chomping pizza eating TV watching couch potato who was afraid of water. The time we got caught in high tide and I had to carry you to shore in water up to my waist. The time I had to carry you across the creek that was about 2 inches deep! The way you went round and round with Daddy after we got married -to see who the boss was. The way you fought Aunt Rose for your spot on the couch. You had given so much. I treasure those last moments we had together. My only hope is that you left this world knowing that the voices you heard and the touches you felt were those of the two people who loved you the most-me and Daddy.

Goodbye-dear friend. I look forward to some day meeting you when we all cross that rainbow bridge and meet again. I love you.

Mommy and Daddy


3, Dec 2000